August 1, 2023

Flint corn

Flint corn, known as Indian corn as well, represents one of the earliest corn varieties and showcases a wide range of colors. It serves similar purposes as dent corn and was cultivated by Native Americans for its durability and high nutritional value. At present, heirloom varieties are specifically grown for milling into cornmeal, flour, hominy, and related products.

The kernels have a smooth and round appearance, while the ears are elongated and slender, though with fewer rows and kernels compared to other types of corn. Flint corn stands out due to its remarkably low water content and is characterized by a tough outer shell and kernels displaying colors that span from white to red.

This resilient outer layer is commonly likened to "flint," which gives the corn its name. The kernels have a shiny appearance and can also be "popped" when exposed to heat, though they are more likely to crack open instead of exploding. The kernel's hardness provides excellent storage capabilities and reduces its vulnerability to insects and rodents.

Flint corn contains a significant amount of hard starch in the kernel, resulting in a coarse meal, which is in contrast to soft-starch flour corn that yields a finer flour when ground.

Flint corn predominantly flourishes in regions of South America, Latin America, and southern Europe.
Flint corn

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