March 3, 2007

Wheat - Stages of Life

Wheat - Stages of Life
The stages of life of the wheat plant vary somewhat depending upon the variety being grown:

Planting of winter wheat usually occurs in September or early October when the soil has sufficient moisture to germinate the seed. The germinated seed lies dormant during the winter. Spring wheat is planted as early in the spring as temperatures allow.

The winter wheat plant resumes its growth in the spring. The head of the wheat plant, which contains the kernels, develops at the tip of the stem. The stem grows rapidly, pushing the head up and out of the top leaf sheath. After the head emerges, flowering occurs and the kernels begin to develop. After the kernels have developed fully and filled, the leaves and stem lose their green color and the kernels quickly dry.

Combines harvest the crop once the kernels have dried to 15 percent moisture or less. Harvesting of winter wheat starts in May and usually is completed by late July. Harvesting of spring wheat begins in late July and is completed by late August.
Wheat - Stages of Life

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