Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) are believed to have originated in India and have been spread by man to other parts of Asia and Africa and then in the seventeenth century by way of the West Indies, to the Americas. They are now grown in warm and tropical climates around the world and about 80,000 ha of the crop is cultivated in southern parts of the Unites States, particularly in California, Georgia and Texas. There is considerable variation in the appearance of cowpea according to variety: one of the most popular varieties is the blackeyed bean. About 60,000 t of dry cowpeas are produced annually in U.S.A, of which originate from the state of California, they are consumed locally and also exported to over 40 countries.
Cowpeas are moved from farm to warehouse. Scheduled fumigations with methyl bromide or phosphine protect the commodity from insect infestation. There is a zero tolerance of insects on cowpea; this results on stocks being fumigated at least four times a year to ensure that they are pest free. It is extremely rare for the crop to be marketed within the year of production, resulting in an overlap of harvest in store and subsequently an increase in the cost of pest management.
Cowpeas Production and Storage