Peaches are grown commercially in about 35 states in United States, California producing by far the largest amount. There are a number of varieties classified as clingstone or freestone varieties. The flesh of clingstone varieties, use primarily for canning, adheres tightly to the pit. In freestone varieties used both as fresh and for canning, the flesh is easily separated from the pit.
Peach trees not long lived, are set out form nursery stock and produce significant quantities of fruit for 7 – 16 years. Yearly pruning and thinning of peach trees is practiced. Peaches are harvested or picked when in the firm, ripe condition, but before they come soft. The fruit is picked into buckets or bags that are emptied into lug boxes for transportation to processing plants.
At the processing plant, peaches to be handled as fresh are washed in dilute cid or alkaline solutions to remove spray residues, then rinsed in water and allowed to drain and dry. Decayed specimens are removed as the fruit passes over an inspection belt, and the unblemished fruit is packed in boxes. The fruit is air-cooled to 31 degree to 32 degree F, and should be held at this temperature until sold to the consumer. Handled in this manner, the fresh fruit has a storage life of 2 – 4 weeks.
Peaches Fruit