The increases in crop yields throughout this century have been partly credited to pesticide technology.
Pesticides have contributed greatly to increased agricultural productivity and crop quality.
Pesticides are applied annually to the majority of the crops. One or more pesticides are used to control weeds and other pests of crops.
Use of pesticide in corps is dependent on the disease and pest infestations and also type of crops grown.
There is widespread acceptance that modern varieties of crops are much more prone to insect, pest and disease infestations.
There are many types of pesticides. They are based on their mode of action and this bais they could be group as follows:
*Stomach poisons
*Contact poisons
*Systemic poisons
Pesticides play an important role in food production – controlling plant disease, weeds, insects and other pests.
Pesticide protect crops and ensure a substantial yield, thus assuring consumers of a wide variety of foods at affordable prices.
Pesticide use for Crops
The Essential Role of Butter in Breadmaking
Butter plays a crucial role in breadmaking, contributing to both flavor and
texture. When incorporated into dough, butter imparts a rich, creamy taste