Lemon is an evergreen citrus tree native to Asia. The fruit is one of the most popular fruits ion the world. It is less knobbed at the extremities, is rather longer and more irregular and the skin is thinner than in the citron (citrus medica Linnaeus).
The origin of lemon has been a mystery, although there exists some indication that it is a native of southeastern China, where it was known and cultivated before the Sung dynasty. It was introduced into Europe by the Arabs from about the 8th century AD, probably through Sicily and Spain.
Lemons were planted in the Spanish settlement of St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Spanish explorer also brought the seeds to the New World through Haiti and Mexico.
Lemon quality is excellent in semi arid irrigated areas and coastal areas. In humid tropics, lemon trees produce fruit with coarser peels. A Mediterranean type climate is better suited for lemons.
The tree grows to a height of about 10-20 feet and has a fragrant white flowers that develop into yellow fruits.
Lemon tree tend to need more pruning than oranges or grapefruit because lemon trees produce long, spindly shoot that are mechanically weak and easily broken.
Most lemon trees are in constant bloom throughout the year, and depending on the local climate, fruit can be harvested continually.
Lemon (Citrus limon Linnaeus)
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