Whole wheat, consisting of about 13% protein, can contribute considerably to the diet. The flour, made from the whole wheat, is higher in biological value than white flour (made from the endosperm only). Wheat is perhaps the most popular cereal grain for the production of bread, cakes and other pastries.
Wheat produces white flour. In addition, the unique properties of wheat protein alone can produce bread dough of the strength and elasticity required to produce low density bread and pastries of desirable texture and flavor. There are many varieties of wheat.
They may be classified as:
*hard red winter wheat,
*hard spring wheat,
*soft red winter wheat,
*white wheat,
*durum wheat.
Winter wheat are planted in the fall and harvested in the late spring and late summer. Spring wheat are planted in the spring and harvested in the late summer. Hard wheat are higher in protein content produce more elastic dough than the soft wheat. Therefore, hard wheats are used for bread, and soft wheats are used for cakes. Durum wheats are most used for alimentary pastes (spaghetti, macaroni, ets) and for the thickening of canned soup.
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