Lemongrass is an herb used in the kitchen for its citrus flavor and scent. It is native to the tropics, so it does require some protection from the cold. Lemongrass belongs to the family Graminae (Poaceae) and the genus Cymbopogon. Generally, three species are identified: Cymbopogon flexuosus, Cymbopogon citrates, Cymbopogon pendulus
Lemongrass forms a tall, grassy clump 3 to 5 feet tall. Lemongrass grows in a clumping habit, with multiple stalks emerging from the same base. It can grow up to five feet tall with a spread up to four feet wide.
Lemongrass prefers tropical or subtropical climates. it grows well at a temperature range of 10 to 33 °c, and it needs enough sunshine for the development of oil in the plant. the grass is sensitive to cold weather and cannot withstand frost.
The plant likes lots of heat, light, and moisture. Lemongrass grows best in full sun, even in hot climates. At least six hours of direct sun per day will meet the plants' energy needs.
Lemongrass is widely adapted to a range of soils and performs well on sandy to clay loam soils with a pH range of 5.0 to 8.4 and good drainage, the lower the altitude and more alkaline the soil has, the higher is the citral content of the oil. Lemongrass prefers moist soil for best plant growth. The standard "1 inch per week" favored by many garden plants will allow lemongrass to thrive, but it can get by on considerably less. Once established, it has a good tolerance for drought.
This herb is used in many cuisines for its edible, aromatic leaves and stalks. Both have a strong citrus scent and a flavor reminiscent of lemon.
Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, the common cold, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent.
Lemongrass plant
The Essential Role of Butter in Breadmaking
Butter plays a crucial role in breadmaking, contributing to both flavor and
texture. When incorporated into dough, butter imparts a rich, creamy taste