The Allium crop species are probably the most economically important vegetable species consumed throughout the world.
Onion and garlic are the premier crops enjoying a place of pride among the Allium species.
The name garlic is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words gar-spear and lac-plant that refer to the shape of garlic leaves. Allium sativum is a member of the Liliaceae family, which also includes onions leeks, scallions or chives.
Garlic herbs have a bulb consisting of a cluster of smaller bulbs. The leaves are long, linear and sword shape.
The process of growing garlic begins with the planting which is done sometime in the fall or winter depending on the location and the variety of garlic.
Cultivated garlic is reproduced from cloves, and the new plants are generally referred to as clones, Garlic is a very labor intensive crop, since much of the work must still be done by hand.
It is also a relatively high risk crop, with some varieties being riskier than others.
Garlic is sold year round, though new crop garlic is the best choice. Garlic is harvested in mid-summer and hung in sheds to dry.
Garlic crops
The Essential Role of Butter in Breadmaking
Butter plays a crucial role in breadmaking, contributing to both flavor and
texture. When incorporated into dough, butter imparts a rich, creamy taste