January 30, 2015

Cucumber planting

The soil which to plant cucumbers must be well drain.  During soil preparation generous incorporation of compost or well-rotted manure is required a week or two prior to planting. Cucumber yields are highest in fertile clay soil with plenty of humus, but they will grow well in most good vegetable garden soils.

Cucumber grow on climbing vines, there the plant should be in the area where small ‘fence’ or trellis can be put next to the plants.  The trellis should be at least 4 feet high.

Cucumber seeds are planted in a row, zigzag style, 6 inches apart, 1.5 to 1 inch deep and about 1 to 4 feet from the trellis. Cucumbers need full sun and warm, well drained soil. They also like rich, neutral to slightly alkaline soil.
When the seedlings are about 6 inches, they need to be trained to climb on the trellis if they have not done by themselves.

Cucumber can be boosted by giving fish emulsion, alfalfa meal, or another organic fertilizer when the vines are 1 foot long, and again a month later.
Cucumber planting

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