The essential requirements for cultivation of coffee plants are water, illumination and ventilation.

However, the soil must be rich, with a pH between 4.5 and 6.0; also, the soil must be deep because root development is very extensive.
Coffea arabica is cultivated on plantations at altitudes of 3250 – 6500 feet (1000 – 2000 meters) where tropical climates are temperate.
Excessive heat and humidity are adverse conditions. Coffea canophera grows well in a tropical climate and needs atmospheric humidity near saturation.
Low temperatures around 32 degree F or temperatures above 86 degree F adversely affect coffee trees.
Even though coffee scrubs grow wild in shaded area, the coffee tress in highly productive plantations are cultivated in rows separated by banana tree and are well exposed to sunlight.
They are very sensitive to wind which explains the damage that cyclones can cause to coffee plantations.
Cultivation requires constant care and replacement of old trees with young plants obtained by germination of seeds or by cuttings.
Also, they must be protected from numerous parasites of which the most dangerous is rust caused by two fungi:
Hemileia vastatrix causes orange rust
Hemileia coffeicola results in flour like rust
A coffee tree attacked by rust loses its leaves. Other parasites (fungi, nematodes- thread worms, borers, scolytid-bark beetle, flies, pyralis-meal moth, crickets, caterpillars, bugs, etc) can also cause great damage.
Thus, it is necessary to ensure constant chemical or biological protection. For the past few years, this protection has been ensured by selecting coffee trees that are resistant to parasites without affecting the quality of the aroma of the finished product.
There is great hope that progress in genetic manipulation will result in long term improvement, especially since the chromosomal system of the coffee trees is now known.
Cultivation of Coffee Trees