Tea is one of the most important cash crops worldwide, playing a significant role in rural development, poverty reduction and food security in developing countries. The cultivation of tea requires strictly defined climatic and soil conditions.
Tea plant is an evergreen bush that flourishes in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions at elevations below 3000 m. Tea does not tolerate long droughts or frost and extreme heat. The best quality tea is produced at high altitudes of 1500 to 2250 meters above sea level.
Camellia sinensis var. sinensis grows in cooler mountainous regions, while Camellia sinensis var. assamica grows best in a tropical climate.
Tea grows in a wide range of latitudes of between 30◦ S and 42◦ N that satisfy the certain eco-physiological requirements of tea plants, including thresholds of climatic variables.
Tea requires rainfall of 1200mm to 2200mm that is well distributed throughout the year, and relative humidity of around 80 % (never less than 40%).
Tea is considered optimal conditions are annual precipitation at the level of 2500 - 3000 mm3 per square meter.
Tea plants can survive a wide range of temperatures between 10 to 30 ◦C. Solar radiation is another primary driver which plays a significant role in photosynthesis in plants. Excessive wind causes water deficit in tea plants due to high evapotranspiration.
The monsoonal climate, alternate wet and dry seasons and the high elevation of subtropical mountains in China, India, and Sri Lanka appear to provide above optimal conditions for tea cultivation.
Unfavorable conditions, such as droughts, floods, frosts or excessive heat, limit plant growth and lead to changes in the biochemical structure of the raw material which lead to a decrease in its quality.
Ideal climate to grow tea
The Essential Role of Butter in Breadmaking
Butter plays a crucial role in breadmaking, contributing to both flavor and
texture. When incorporated into dough, butter imparts a rich, creamy taste